Authour - Lee Chang Tye
Copyright - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
Relaxed Mind Tai Chi |
This picture to me captures how I feel about the constant struggle & work I have to put in in order to work on myself. Not just the physical (although the physical oftentimes reflects the totality of where we are), the mental, psychological/ emotional/ behavioural, social & spiritual work. The starts, stops, distractions, loss and regaining of will/vision/motivation/energy/belief. The work involved in studying the methods and practices of "working on yourself" and for me Tai Chi and meditation are obviously major practices. The work on clarifying (or not clarifying) your goals. The subtle but undeniable improvements & milestones, some you thought you'd never reach. The regression back into bad habits taking two steps forward, then taking one back, but at least now the way forward has already been traversed and can fairly easily be accomplished. The resistance and self-sabotage, sometimes it seems that the last thing "someone" wants is for the "real you" is to succeed. The shedding and non-attachment to all that excess, often toxic, habitual behaviours, laziness, ways of thinking, stresses, perceptions, beliefs, food, drink, drugs, distractions, people, relationships and patterns of interactions, etc. Can you handle the healthy, clear-thinking, calm, intrinsically happy & motivated, optimal you? If not then is that the "Real you"? Do you have the persistence because like the picture you have to chisel away at your negativities a little at a > year in, day > year out. Becoming more aware of letting stuff go instead of accumulating more and more.... This picture says so much. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section of this blog post don't just reply to the email please.
Authour - Lee Chang Tye Copyright - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
These are my thoughts about various aspects of Tai Chi. They may or may not be original and I try to give credit where credit is due. Wee Kee Jin Workshop Series
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November 2023