You could argue that you should be able to filter out any noise distractions with the intensity of your own practice, and you can witness this level of detached concentration when you watch the elderly in Asia practising Taiji near busy, congested streets where the practitioners are not bothered by the noises of cars and bustle of city life. However, if you are in control of your environment, it doesn't help if you have unnecessary distractions which detract away from the quality of your Taiji practice. That is counterproductive and doesn't help your "monkey-mind."
Since I discovered this Youtube channel "Power Thoughts Meditation Club" (which I'm not affiliated with in any way), I've come to regularly use these music pieces set to certain frequencies which enhance the meditation and relaxation process. If you better understand how music set to certain frequencies effect our minds and bodies in different ways then post in the comments below this blog instead of replying to this email, I'm sure you know more than I do. This video in particular is great if you need an aid to relax when doing your Taiji or other meditational practice. It helps me get into the alpha wave/Tai Chi "Zone or Flow" quicker. Perhaps it's the way the music ebbs and recedes mimicking the "opening and closing" movements of Tai Chi that resonate, I don't know. Click on the above to try it out. Let me know what you think by posting comments below (not by replying to my email), enjoy!
Lee Chang Tye