Lee Chang Tye
Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
Relaxed Mind Tai Chi |
Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi Authour - Lee Chang Tye copyright - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi https://www.relaxedmindtaichi.com
Just letting local residents (in particular the elderly and less mobile) know that the Scenic Rim Regional Council is sponsoring my Taiji classes for 12 weeks in their "Be Active and Healthy Campaign" up on Tamborine Mountain. The time and location has yet to be worked out but most likely will be Tuesday mornings (starting February 10th) at Tamborine Mountain Community Care or the Botanical Gardens. If you feel like this elderly gent in this excellent picture - painted by my good friend and talented Brisbane artist Paul Best - cooped up inside but just yearning to experience some freedom and feelings of relaxed, warm, vitality within your own body and mind, or just yearning to get in touch with your body again, then book a place and come along. The cost will be at a pensioner-friendly $5 for an hour session and no previous experience of Taiji is necessary as the exercises and movements will be modified to suit the mobility level of those who come. Hope to see you there.
Lee Chang Tye www.relaxedmindtaichi.com
Annette Clark
30/1/2015 01:27:20 am
I would like to attend the Taichi class on Tuesday 10 Feb.
Lee Chang
30/1/2015 10:28:02 pm
Hi Annette, I will let you & everyone know the exact time & place as soon as the details are worked out.
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These are my thoughts about various aspects of Tai Chi. They may or may not be original and I try to give credit where credit is due. Wee Kee Jin Workshop Series
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