In the book "Tinnitus Alleviation Therapy" by Maria Holl (and supported by the European Federation of Tinnitus Associations), she bases her therapy on:
a/ freeing blocked bioenergy;
b/ self-massage to stimulate & open energy meridians to improve circulation, functioning of the glands & the immune system; and
c/ Taoist healing exercises to harmonize the chi and develop a new sense of awareness. Wow! Sound familiar? Her premise is that many tinnitus sufferers have accumulated too much energy in the head, neck and chest area & not enough in the pelvis, legs and feet, so the goal of treatment is to shift the focus and hence lower the intensity of the tinnitus.
Naturally she adapts it to suit her purposes but uses the standing, self massage & several types of loosening exercises to align the structure of the body, to improve grounding, to release tension, to restore emotional balance, to improve circulation. Within her exercises she uses very similar types of Tai Chi visualization to promote relaxation, grounding, & dantien breathing. It's refreshing to see these Tai Chi/Daoist healing exercises used laterally.
Maria Holl (2013), "Tinnitus Alleviation Therapy", Basic Health publications, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-59120-364-3.