Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi Authour - Lee Chang Tye copyright - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
As an instructor I sometimes feel that I am being too repetitive in my instructions - methodically going through many of the points we should pay attention to for any given regular Tai Chi exercise. Sometimes I think perhaps I'm boring my students (and potential students) with the repetition of an exercise, or that there is nothing "new" and impressive to learn in a short time frame. I regularly get visitors who have this "shopping" attitude wanting to know about my class. These days I think we're more than a little brainwashed as participants in a "consumer" culture to only pay attention to the latest "awesome" trend/product and as a result our (not only kids) attention spans have been getting shorter. We almost expect as if we can "buy" an experience without actually paying our dues, or letting it happen naturally. TV is a perfect example of how many things have to be hyped as the next mind blowing event/performance. E.g. - even bigger shocks, scandal, excitement, how are you going to perform (or meltdown) under stressful pressure? Take it to the next level? Then I remind myself that Tai Chi is the antidote to such stress-producing wind-ups. There is beauty, peace and rejuvenation in the meditative repetitive exercises, and that Tai Chi isn't something that can be "consumed" and bought. In its own calm, non-confrontational, peaceful & subtle way it makes its own protest against the consumerist tsunami, very radical.
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These are my thoughts about various aspects of Tai Chi. They may or may not be original and I try to give credit where credit is due. Wee Kee Jin Workshop Series
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November 2023