Authour- Lee Chang Tye
Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
Relaxed Mind Tai Chi |
Blog Postings - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi Authour - Lee Chang Tye copyright - Relaxed Mind Tai Chi
This is the seemingly strange paradox of Tai Chi: that you have to work at being truly relaxed. Relaxation doesn't mean expending very little effort, nor, or whilst having your mind distracted /stimulated such as from watching a movie or TV, or reading a book, daydreaming, etc. Tai Chi people are referring to a state where your body (and mind) is free of excess tension. And this requires work. Many beginners who inquire about my classes have the former mistaken impression that doing Tai Chi is relaxing in the sense of expending very little mental or physical effort. They appreciate the beauty and grace of Tai Chi's relaxed, circular, connected and flowing movements but make the mistake that they can jump straight into what appears to be light, easy carefree movements to achieve the same results. Oft quoted as ideal for the elderly, you cannot blame people for getting such an impression given the way Tai Chi is often portrayed - mostly by the media & for business reasons. What appears effortless & flowing requires sustained and persistent mental and physical effort, and self-reflection in cultivating a state of aware relaxation over a reasonable period of time. That is, an awareness of where the tension resides in your body and learning to let go, first in a stationary position (which takes time depending on the degree of relaxation you want to achieve) then being able to cultivate that sense of relaxation whilst moving slowly - with every part of your body changing. True relaxation in Tai Chi is one of the most difficult things to achieve & a huge subject in itself, but is within the reach of everyone through correct practice & persistent effort. And of course its benefits are famous, everyone these stressful times at least recognize that we all need to truly relax from time to time.
Authour- Lee Chang Tye
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These are my thoughts about various aspects of Tai Chi. They may or may not be original and I try to give credit where credit is due. Wee Kee Jin Workshop Series
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November 2023